Gymnastics Exercises

Sports-specific exercises for the VertiMax

As a general guideline only, sport specific exercises are designed for lighter resistance with emphasis on posture, technique, and speed of execution. We recommend 2 to 4 exercises be performed with 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 25 repetitions, with a 30 to 60 second rest between sets. These exercises can be done 2 to 3 times per week. Consult a qualified performance training professional for specific variables of your exercise program.

Primary Gymnastics Exercises
The list below presents the primary VertiMax exercises that a gymnast would perform to fully develop explosive leg power.
After each exercise description, the VertiMax models are listed in which the exercise can be performed on.

Quick Hip Extensions

Stand on center of training mat, attach cords to top of shoe laces in position shown, keeping the leg straight, quickly and forcefully extend leg at the hip in repetitive manner, repeat other side.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Multiplanar Hops w/Stabilization

Attach waist cords, stand on one rear side of training mat, place feet together. Perform a hop in various directions, stabilize landing 1-2 seconds before hopping to another position on the mat, repeat.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Repeat Jump Ups

Place plyostep or plyobox securely on front center of training mat, attach waist cords, stand behind box the jump up onto step, quickly step down to starting position, repeat.

Note: Hip flexor cords are optional for this exercise.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Repeat Split Jumps

Attach waist cords, stand on center of training mat, place one foot in forward on mat. Bend front knee to 90 degrees in a lunge position then perform a jump from this position, land while returning to start position, repeat quickly. Then repeat exercise with other leg positioned forward.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Depth Jump to Squat Jump

Place plyostep or plyobox on platform securely on the back edge of the training mat, attach waist cords, step onto box with feet shoulder width apart. Jump down onto platform, land with soft knees then lower body into a squat position and finish exercise with a jump, stabilize final landing, repeat.

Note: Hand and thigh cords can be an optional attachment if equipped.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Secondary Gymnastic Specific Exercises:

These exercises may be used in addition to the Primary Gymnastic Exercises or General Exercises for improving the performance of specific gymnastic related movements.
Forward Hop w/Stabilization

Attach waist cords, stand on rear of training mat, place feet close together, perform a hop forward and stabilize to simulate a gymnastic landing, pause 1-2 seconds, repeat.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Single Leg Forward Hop w/Stabilization

Attach waist cords, stand on one foot at rear of training mat, perform a hop forward and stabilize, pause 1-2 seconds, repeat other leg.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Squat Jump to Overhead Reach

Attach waist cords and hand cords if equipped, stand on center of training mat, place feet shoulder width apart, perform a squat, then quickly and forcefully jump while extending arms above head, quickly stabilize landing then repeat.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Pike Jumps

Attach waist cords, stand on center of training mat, perform a quick and forceful pike jump by reaching forward with hands toward toes while kicking legs forward during jump, repeat. (Note: keep the motion of the pike under control and increase as tolerated to avoid a bad landing or injury.)
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Quick Plie Hops

Attach waist cords, stand on center of training mat, place heels together with feet turned out. Perform a plie by bending knees to about 45 degrees then quickly hop, repeat.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+

Plie Jumps

Attach waist cords, stand on center of training mat, place heels together with feet turned out. Perform a plie by bending the knees to about 45 degrees, then quickly jump, stabilize the landing 1-2 seconds, repeat.
V4 V6 V6+ V8+


Anonymous said...


Sports training of this style is looking great and heavy, is it a gymnastics exercise ?

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